Hard Surface Floor Care Can Increase Your Dealership Sales

Do you need hard surface floor care? Perhaps you suffer from Lackluster Flooritis, a condition exhibiting dust bunnies, embarrassing scuff marks, or unappealing buildup. Not to mention the garbage – and while we’re talking trash, let’s discuss that pizza box, the one with the petrified pepperoni. It has no business on the edge of your salesperson’s desk, ready to crash to the floor. If this describes your car dealership, then we need to talk. Did you know you can increase your auto dealership sales with professional cleaning services?

Hard Surface Floor Care and Why Cleanliness Matters

Consider this: You visit a friend’s home for the first time. You see they’ve tidied up, shoved the clutter in the closet, and cleaned the toilet. Then you glance at the floor, and ugh. Be honest: how comfortable are you? If that’s the atmosphere that greets your customers, they could be asking why anyone should buy a car from you. And that’s exactly what you should be asking yourself.

Appearance Matters 

There is nothing deadlier to a business than falling in love with your own image. Successful businesses constantly evaluate and identify barriers, then strategize to improve. Potential buyers observe with the eagle eye of a mother-in-law with white gloves. Look around you. If your floors are pristine, then pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to a caramel latte. But if your floors mimic the garage, then that’s a barrier, and frankly, your customers might be a bit…floored.

There is much to contemplate in prepping your showroom for the big reveal. We’re talking vehicles here; cars, trucks, SUVs – the ones strutting their stuff.

Appearance matters. A happy floor gives your showroom the “wow” factor, delivering the ambiance of a red carpet in the auto world, with your vehicles as the stars. You are delighted to point out the latest gadgets, additions, and features, but you’ll never get to that point if you’re upstaged by dirty floors. Consumers may nod their heads, but the first chance they get they’re going to run for the hills.

With today’s savvy shoppers, you have to work smarter. Your patrons know the difference between a floor that sparkles like a runway from one covered in grease. 

The truth is that people respond to the atmosphere you provide.  They want partnership, trust, and confidence in the one handling the sale, as well as in the vehicle. 

Remember, professional appearance equals professionalism. And professionalism is directly related to customer satisfaction. 

Polished floors reflect confidence and quality. That’s where we come in. Buffing, pressure-washing, hard surface cleaning: it’s what we do. We are the hard surface floor care go-to people.

Star Treatment Equals Star Quality

Is your goal to be “the place” to buy a vehicle? Then wake up and smell the solution. Pamper your floors with the star treatment they deserve; that’s how you make your showroom shine.

We all know the saying “If you build it, they will come.” How about this – if you groom it, they will return. And so will their friends. People tell others about their experiences. Word-of-mouth marketing and repeat business are how you increase sales.

Shine Your Way to Increased Sales with Hard Surface Floor Care

Bottom line: increasing sales is no accident; it’s deliberate. There’s a lot of competition out there. But take heart: with the right cleaning pro, you can and will outshine the rest.

We are here for you, day or night, on your schedule, every step of the way. Think of us as your trusty grime fighters, removing the barriers so you can concentrate on your customers. And when you concentrate on your customers, you increase your sales.

So relax; we’ve got this, as long as you’ve got us. Contact the experts. Your sales are waiting.